Friday, October 3, 2008

The Dollar Store Mommy!!!!

Several weeks ago K. and I were having a conversation and he ask me what would happen if I got squashed and disappeared. I said I didn't know. He then told me that he would have to buy himself a new mommy. I ask him where he would buy a new mommy from since they didn't sell them at Wal*Mart , Target, or the Mall. With out missing a beat he told me that he would buy himself a new Mommy at the Dollar store. I smiled (I was really trying hard not to die laughing) and told him that "ought to be interesting - a dollar store mommy - do you think she will read you bedtime stories?" He looked at me funny and walked away. A little while later he came back and ask if I was mad at him for saying he was going to buy a dollar store mommy. (His older brother J. had convinced him he was being rude for saying that to me.) I just laughed and told him no I wasn't mad, infact I thought he was being very silly. He smiled and wandered away.

I wonder do you think that Dollar Store Mommy does laundry and windows? Maybe I should look into getting one!!! =)

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

Oh, I think I'd like one. No, make that two! =)