Friday, April 30, 2010

Wrap it UP!!!

Remember pictures like this - they appeared with great frequency on this blog all winter long - no we are not having another blizzard!!!:)

During our very long winter I had to keep busy! So here is some of the results:

This blanket was one I made for K.J. for Christmas.

And this is J.D.'s quilt.

Then there were these - our stake was doing a humanitarian project- these quilts were made to be sent to the humanitarian center in Salt Lake City and then to where ever there is a need. This was a great way to spend all those long cold days.:)

And finally, there was this one - this is the only other quilt ( besides the my children's christmas ones) that I kept - it is also the only one that is hand bound (finished around the edge) all the others are done on the sewing machine ( a feat in and of itself for me!:):) ) -including the identical looking one pictuered above. What will I do with it you ask - well hopefully we will adopt again soon and then I'll get to use it! :) (and if it is a boy- I'll just have to make another one with less pink!!!lol.)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Airport!!!!!





A week and a half ago J.D. and K.J. got to take a trip to the regional airport in our area. J.D.'s cub scout troop had signed up for a tour. The boys love this. They were able to sit inside the cockpit of a little private plane and they also got to visit the airport "fire station". As far as my boys were concerned it was a way cool outing. Afterwards they got to go to lunch with dad!!!:)
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Paper Mache





For Family Home Evening two weeks ago we made a paper mache volcano. (It was for a ward activity) For any of you who have not done this, paper mache is a paste made from flour and water (there are other recipes as well) mixed together. You dip newspaper strips into the paste. Then you begin to build or shape the desired object. The paper mache can be shaped as long as it is wet. Neither of my boys had ever worked with paper mache - infact they didn't even no what it was. J.D. kept complaining that he didn't want to make a paper mache volcano - that is until he actually saw what it was then he decided that maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all!!! They had a good time - and I bet I could even talk J.D. into making another one sometime. :) Althought I'm not so sure about Dad - he was kind of a nervous wreck about the mess they were making - who would of thought!! :):)
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The weather here on April 1st was a stark contrast to the weather two weeks earlier (i.e. trip to the zoo in the snow). By the time I picked the boys up from school at 2:00 (we had an early out) the temperature was a toasty 86 degrees farenheit. On the way home the boys ask - "Mom do you think we could run threw the sprinkler". At the current temperature I could see know reason why not. So upon arriving home my children dawned swim trunks and t-shirts and went out to play in the water. As you can see from the pictures they also found a lovely patch of dirt to which they added above said water and took a mud bath. Ahhh! Boys!! The are simply to much!!!:)




I should of taken pictures of them standing in the water trying to get the mud off before I would let them in the house!!!:) Such a mean mother they have - haven't I ever heard of mud bathes - they're good for you - right?!?!
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Monday, April 12, 2010

1 Albino Alligator + 3 Macawas + 2 children + infinite snowflakes = ?

Well - they could equal one wild spring break or one crazy trip to the zoo? Actually they equal both. In March (yes I'm a little behind on my posting) the boys had their spring break. It has become an anual tradition to spend a day at the zoo during spring break week. And so we did just that. We took a trip to the zoo.

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But, this year we added something new to the mix. Yep!, you guessed it - SNOW!!! This was a first for all of us - although a little cold we managed to have fun.:)

My three guys - just walking in the snow!

One very bored gorilla - not sure why my camera has him laying on his side - maybe he is getting ready to sleep, because he is so bored?!

K.J. taking on the skeleton in a starring contest - I wonder who will win that one?

The llama doesn't seem to mind the snow!

Neither does J.D. !!

The raccoon just wants to be fed! He's not above a spot (or two) of begging!

The poison dart frog is just hanging out and watching the people go by!

And so are my boys!!:) Despite the weather being a little soggy we enjoyed our family trip. It was fun to spend time together.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Fun!!





The "B" Family wants to wish you all a Happy Easter!!
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Guess Who Had A Birthday??!

On Sunday K.J. celebrated his sixth birthday. It is hard to believe that it has been six years since he joined our Family!:) We are so glad he came into our lives.



On Saturday K.J. had a party with friends his age. They played Twister, Pin the Tale on the Donkey, and Mummy Relay. They even got to wrap-up dad. That was there favorite - besides cake and ice cream!:)


Dad, made a great mummy!!! LOL. So did K.J.

On Sunday we had friends from church over for dinner and birthday cake!!

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He even got to open his presents!!! :):)

On Monday he got to take birthday treats to school. K.J. loved stretching birthday out over three days. But by Monday Mom was all birthdayed out!!

K.J. had a great birthday and we are so glad he is a part of our family!:):):)