Friday, May 21, 2010

On the Mississippi!!!!

Last weekend we had the opportunity to go to Nauvoo for a regional LDSFSA Adoption confrence. We got the chance to see old friends, meet new ones, and attend classes on various aspects of adoption and related issues. We had a great time. Our family also took sometime to be tourists while we were there. The boys loved it. K.J.'s favorite visit was the blacksmith shop. J.D.'s favorite was the fudge factory and the red brick store (i.e. the rock candy). My husband and I also were able to tour a few sights that we hadn't been through before. It was a really fun weekend for all of us - even with the long drive to and from home.

The boys are already asking when we will get to go to Nauvoo again. They are hoping soon!:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let's Go Dutch!!!

Guess Where We Are?????

If you guessed Holland/Netherlands - you'd be wrong!




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The Saturday before Mother's Day we attended "Tulip Time". It is an annual event held in a community two hours from us. The town was originally a Dutch settlement. Along with the tulips the town has the largest working windmill in the US, lots of little shops, a parade, and dutch food!!:) (if you ever get the chance to try a "dutch letter" - don't pass it up!! YUMMMMMM!!!!:)!) It was a very family friendly event and despite the cold we had a great time. Maybe we'll do it again next year?!:)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weather - Wind or Lightning!?!?!?

Last night we had a fairly violent storm go through our neighborhood (not as violent as Kansas or Oklahoma). But plenty of action. This morning brought pictures of leaves, twigs, branches and even entire trees down. I took these pictures of a tree that is roughly a half a block down the street from our house. The limb itself has already been picked up and turned into mulch by our city workers. But you can see where the damage is. I'm not sure if it was wind or lightning - maybe both- but either way the tree was on the losing end -ouch!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Birth Mother's Day!!!

Tomorrow is Birth Mother's Day!! To all the birthmothers out there our family just wants to say thank-you!! Know that you are loved!!
And a extra special thanks to our sons' birthmothers - without you we could have never been parents. Thank You!!!

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Our greatest dreams were realized on the day these two children entered our lives. Words will never be enough to express our gratitude!!