Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The egg-citement!!





The Easter Bunny comes on Saturday at our house. So Saturday morning came a bit earlier than mom and dad would have liked. The boys were excited. They got a few small items in their Easter baskets and then of course got to hunt for a few eggs. J.D.gamely possed for a couple of shots - but K.J. was a little harder to get to cooperate. However, they had a nice Easter Saturday and lots of fun. That way we just got to enjoy Stake Confrence on Easter Sunday and focus on the Savior - it was a very nice weekend.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

To "DYE" For!!!





The Friday night before easter was the night we did our annual dying of the easter eggs. K.J. and J.D. really enjoy this activity and we had a lot of brightly colored eggs after. They also taste really yummy as deviled eggs! :)
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Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Five!!!!

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Because I had surgery three days prior to his birthday I missed posting K.J.'s birthday on my blog. He turned five years old on the twenty-eighth of March. It is hard to imagine him going from the little bundle in the first picture to the boy who mastered that two wheeler (in the second picture) in one day. We are so glad he is a part of our family. Hope you had a really happy birthday K.J. We love you tons!

The Zoo

The week of spring break we took our annual trip to the zoo. The boys look forward to this trip every year. This years favorites included the aquarium building and the Gorillas. They especially got a kick out of the gorilla's as they kept banging on the glass. The sign said the older gorillas do this to establish dominance and the younger ones do it because they enjoy startling all the visitors that come throught the primate house. The boys found this to be quite entertaining. They also enjoyed the imax production that we saw about reef life. It was a 3-D production and it was funny watching K.J. try and reach out and grab all the things he was seeing in his "magic" movie glasses. We had a great time and are looking forward to our trip again next year.
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