Sunday, October 26, 2008

Primary Program

The sunday after Delmer was put in the bishopric was our ward's Primary program. Because we live so far away from family the boys have never really had the opportunity to have their grandparents at any of their special programs - church, school, or other wise. But because my parents were already planning on coming out to be here so my dad could ordain Delmer they decided to stay and be with us for the program. My boys were very excited when they found out that Grandma and Grandpa L. were going to be able to stay and watch them in the primary program. K. J. kept asking all week - "is it time for the primary program Yet? - Do Grandma and Grandpa get to see us in the program yet?" We are so glad that they were able to come and stay. The boys were so grateful for the opportunity to have their grandparents there that Sunday.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss having them in Primary. Of course, I miss Primary now! :D