Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another New Calling

Well, I thought a few weeks ago that since my husband was put in the bishopric that we (meaning I) was safe from any more heavy duty type callings. I can't begin to say just how wrong I was!!!!!! This last sunday I was sustained as the new Relief Society President in our ward. It was a very very long weekend. Last night my councilors and I met together for the first time. It was a very long meeting. I left feeling very overwhelmed - wondering how I was going to take care of my kids, help my husband meet all his work and calling needs, and meet the needs of every sister in the ward. I still don't know how it is all going to work. I know that some how the Lord will have to step in and show me the way. I feel so overwhelmed with responsibilities. However, I am also very excited to be working in the Relief Society and for the opportunity that I get to serve the sister in our ward as well as the Lord. Can we see many new growing experiences on the horizon!!!!!

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

WOW! I'm sure you will do great! =) Just remember that the Lord will help you in the ways you need to grow!