Thursday, July 26, 2012

For those of you who follow our "Canine4Kennan" site. We are in the process of putting together a fun run as a fundraiser and are taking a poll for t-shirt colors. Please visit us at that site and vote for you favorite. Help us decide what the participants will wear on race day. Happy voting! :)

Nature's Fireworks!!

Last night we had our first real rain in weeks. It included an awesome supercell and an incredible lightning show! J.D., K.J., and I did a little local storm chasing. We parked and took some pictures and video. The lightning shots aren't super great because they are captured from the video shots we took.

The leading edge of the storm as it has just past over us and is moving North/East.

Lightning - lots of cloud to cloud with multiple forks - to bad my camera work doesn't really do it justice, it was quite spectacular!

We had a great time and had a little over an hour of enjoying our time together. Maybe we'll do it again sometime - hopefully soon. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, Baby, It's Hot Outside!!!!

It has been excessively hot this summer. We have spent almost every late afternoon and early evening for the last month out in the backyard make use of the sprinkler (and not for watering the lawn - although it hasn't hurt). Our water bill doubled in one month.
more water,
and more water,

more water,

and still more water.
We never go out for water fun until at least 4:30 or 5:00 pm. We have to wait until temperatures start dropping back down towards the low nineties or high eighties. Before it is cool enough to even be out in the backyard -even for water play. (We have had temps in the high nineties and low hundreds - with heat indexes of around 110 to 115.) It has been blisteringly hot and humid. And I don't think my water bill is going to go down much for at least another month - sigh!!