Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The pictures really don't do justice to the scene outside. We had freezing fog last night and all the trees were beautifully frosted this morning. They made a very pretty picture against the back ground of snow. It is one of the things about winter that can be appreciated - mother natures canvas.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things you thought you would never say!!

Over the last several months I have found my self saying things that I never imagined would be questions or directions that I would give. Some of the things I've found myself saying include:

1. Is your underwear on the right direction?

2. Are you even wearing underwear? (underwear - who needs underwear? I'm dressed!)

3. Go get some underwear on under those clothes!

4. Are you eating something off the floor? (keep in mind my children have been walking for quite awhile now)

5. Yes, you have to get dressed before you can go outside!

6. Did you shove all of those in your mouth at once?

7. No, you can't change your brothers drawing - even if you don't like it!

8. Be careful putting those glasses on the cat or he'll scratch you!! (Glasses on a cat - maybe he's near sighted?!)

9. Take the cat collar off your neck and put it back on the cat! (now all I need is a leash!)

As a parent you say some of the weirdest things. Of course then again usually you kids are doing some pretty weird things that illicet such comments.
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Heat Wave!!!

Well compared to yesterday we are having a heat wave. We topped out at about 15 degrees above zero today - a whopping twenty-five degrees warmer than at the same time yesterday. Oh what a difference a day makes. Compared to yesterday it almost (notice I said almost) feels balmy. And for those of you who follow this blog that are wondering about the snow pictures that resemble the ones posted in December - they are actually new ones. The day after christmas we had that unprecendented warm up that I talked about in the other snowpile blog. We got up to almost 50 degrees ( unbelievable I know) and melted about 3/4 of the snow pictured in that December blog. So the stuff you are seeing is new snow fall over the last 8 or 9 days.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How Cold is COLD!!!!!

How Cold is COLD!!! Today marks the coldest air to cross the state were we live in, in twelve years. We started monday with a snow day as snow began to fall and then the wind began to blow - blizzard!!! Then Tuesday was a late start with kids going to school two hours later than normal. Then came Wednesday - more snow and wind - no school once again. Now we arrive to today - no school for the third day this week - although this time it isn't because of snow - we have a foot of snow, as you can see and drifts & snowbanks much deeper than that- today it is the cold - and I mean cold. This morning our little town had a temperature (at 8:30 a.m.) of -24 degrees Farenheit and a windchill of -40 degrees Farenheit. No that is not a misprint , you read both those temperatures right - there is a negative sign in front of both of them. Now it is twelve thirty our tempeture has risen to a balmy -15 degrees Farenheit with a windchill of -34 degrees Farenheit. Yes we are still in the negative numbers - we will not get above zero today and we probably won't even make it out of the double digit negative numbers. So, How Cold is COLD!!! I'm not sure but I'd say we are pretty darn close!!! :)
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

J.'s Christmas Eve Gift

For Christmas eve this year from his dad J. recieved a toss-across game. Dad helped him put it together and then J. and I played toss across for the rest of the evening until bedtime. We had a really great time.
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K.'s Christmas Eve gift

Every year the boys get to open two gifts on Christmas eve - the first is their christmas pajamas and the second is a toy that they recieve from their dad. This is a carry on tradition from Del's family. This year K.'s gift was a playdough ice cream shoppe. He and his dad played at making ice cream treats for the rest of the evening. They had a great time.
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Christmas Eve Pajamas

As long as I am playing catch up on my December post I thought I would post these of J. & K. in the P.J.'s that they got for Christmas Eve. They both really liked their batman pajamas so score one for mom.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Few More Christmas Pictures

Here is a few more pics. from Christmas morning - all my boys opening their gifts!
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Well, now that we are past the holidays maybe we can catch up on a few things. Here are a few pictures of the boys on christmas morning. They had a great time and got mom and dad up way to early - the first time was at 3:30 a.m. We finally let them hit the living room for Santa and gifts just before 7:00 a.m. They got spoiled and had a great time with all their gifts. We hope all of you had a great holiday season.
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