Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spring Concerts

K.J. and J.D. both had spring concerts.

K.J.'s concert was sing. He and his class did a nice job. We enjoyed the concert.

J.D. had his spring band concert. This is his second year playing the trumpet and he has done a great job. He played in regular band and a special 'pops' band this year. He also participated in a special Honor band - that was made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from all over the centeral part of our state. We enjoyed this concert as well.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

K.J.'s Baptism

K.J.'s birthday this year was a special one. Because he turned eight he was able to be baptised. We are so excited with his choice to take this step. It has been a long road and we are so proud of him. Grandma and Grandpa L. , Grandma B., and Aunt Nettie were able to come out and be with us for this special occasion. We were so glad to have them.  It was a great day!