Friday, September 5, 2008

101 Things About Me

I borrowed this blog idea from my friend Janus. (I hope you don't mind Janus =) :) !!!?) Now days there seems to be alot of things that list 101 item. So I am going to add to that list 101 things about me. Hopefully you won't already know them all and find out a few new things! So here goes.

1. I was born Jun. 12, 19--. ( you can guess my age)

2. I was born in Utah.

3. I am a John Wayne fan.

4. I've never been outside the United States.

5. I play the flute.

6. I caught the chicken pox when I was six and had to miss my cousins baptism:(.

7. I fell off a tricycle when I was three years old and had three stitches in my chin.

8. I fell off a fence at four years old and broke my elbow.

9. Our favorite game to play at recess in third grade was marbles.

10. I play the piano.

11. I traveled to Washington D.C. during my senior year of high school.

12. I hate Bees.

13. I hate French Toast.

14. I served my mission in the Illinois, Chicago Mission.

15. I speak Spanish.

16. I met my husband on a blind date.

17. I have lived in four different states. (Utah, Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri.)

18. I hate Spiders.

19. I love chocolate cake with homemade Frosting! YUMMY!

20. I can milk a cow with the help of a milking machine (no hand milking for this girl.)

21. I love to scrapbook.

22. My favorite bedtime story is: "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Suess

23. My favorite classic novel is: "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

24. My all time favorite book is: "One Hundred One Dalmations" by Dottie Smith - not Disney

25. I am an "I Love Lucy" fan.

26. When I was a teenager I had a cat named Freckles.

27. I love being a mom.

28 I love Hershey's Special Dark candy bars.

29. Christmas is my favorite holiday!!!

30. I once had a mouse sharing my pillow with me! NASTY! :(

31.My favorit place to visit (besides family) is Yellowstone.

32. I got my first pair of glasses when I was in third grade.

33. I was in the hospital for two weeks when I was 8 years old and even got to take and ambulance ride.

34. I LOVE to read.

35. I tought fourth grade for awhile.

36. I have a bachelors degree in Elementary Education from USU.

37. My first real job was a dietary aid in the kitchen at Sunshine Terrace rest home. I like to tell people I was a D.A. :)

38. I dressed up as Darth Vader for a parade in second grade. (Not Princess Lea)

39. I love Snow!

40. My favorite flower is a Rose. (Especially if my husband gives them to me.)

41. My least favorite household chore is cleaning the toilet.

42. I am the oldest of six children ( three sisters and twin brothers.)

43. My first car was a Geo Prism.

44. I had braces as a teenager. HATED that!

45. My first stuffed animal was a blue bunny rabbit that I got when I was six months old.

46. I got my first roller skates when I was six years old.

47. The place outside of the U.S. that I would most like to visit is England.

48. My favorite sport to play is softball.

49. I hate to fly in airplanes - give me good old "tierra firma" any day.

50. I have always wanted a horse.

51. I hated P.E. in Jr. High and High school.

52. I loved to visit my grandfather's farm when I was little.

53. I use to catch garder snakes when I was a kid.

54. I wanted to be a ballet dancer and a police officer when I was growing up - quite the combination.

55. For Christmas the year I was 16 I wanted a TransAm Firebird. My parents got me the matchbox version- not exactly what I had in mind!

56. The original "Stars Wars" debuted when I was seven years old.

57. My first date with my husband was to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights.

58. I like to do 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles.

59. My favorite place to go in the summer as a kid was Bear Lake - still like to go now when I can.

60. I love to visit zoos. I think they're cool.

61. The scariest memory I have as a teenager is being trapped on Bear Lake in a canoe for two hours during a wind storm.

62. My favorite Disney movie is: "Mary Poppins".

63. I know more about football than my Husband.

64. I have no desire to learn to play the organ.

65. My favorite teacher in Jr. High was Mr. Godfrey! Science is Cool!

66. In Jr. High I liked to experiment with how many different ways you can spell Ann Michelle- Then I'd write a different version on my paper each day. My teachers probably wondered why I couldn't spell my own name! :)

67. I had my ears pierced on my mission without telling my parents!Talk about rebellious!(LOL)

68. I was married in the Logan temple to my best friend.

69. I collect dolls and Boyd's bears.

70. My favorite ballet is "The Nutcracker."

71. My husband took me to see "The Phantom of the Opera" for our 5th anniversary.

72. My favorite song is "White Christmas" sung by Bing Crosby.

73. I hate early mornings. :(

74. I got my first kiss after Senior Prom when I was seventeen.

75. My favorite cold cereals are "Life," and "Lucky Charms".

76. The longest time my husband and I have lived in anyong appartment/house since our marriage is 3years and two months.

77. I have never seen the ocean except in pictures.

78. I lived within an hours drive of a ski resort for most of my first 30years of life and I've never been skiing.

79. My sisters are some of my best friends!

80. I wear them to church, for weddings, and funerals. but I hate dresses - I love my T-shirts and Jeans.

81. I am the oldest grandchild on my mom's side of the family and the oldest granddaughter on my dad's side of the family.

82. The thing I miss most about about Utah (besides family) is the mountains - there are places in the Midwest that are incredibly flat.

83. The thing you are most likely to find me doing in my spare time is reading a book.

84. The subject I liked least in school was Math.

85. I have been to the top of the Sears Tower - twice.

86. I got to participate in the Nauvoo Temple open house and dedication.

87. I loved to climb the maple tree in my grandpa's barnyard when I was a kid - even though it made my grandma nervous.

88. I use to catch frogs in my granpa's pastures.

89. I was in band in seventh and eigth grades - but quit in nineth grade because I didn't want to be in Marching Band.

90. Sewing has never been my cup of tea.

91. I once told one my fourth grade students that they sounded like a broken record. He didn't have any idea what I was talking about- now that makes me feel old.

92. I've taken a steamboat ride on both the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers.

93. In third grade we use to have pet Box Elder Bugs that we would keep in paper boxes in our desks.

94. The only class I ever flunked was trigonometry - like I said before I don't like math.

95. My favorite subject in college was Geology - especially rocks and minerals.

96. I technically had enough credits (just not in the right subjects) for a master's degree when I graduated with my bachelor's degree.

97. I like Mystery novels.

98. I hate to exercise-even though I try to do it regularly.

99. I have a phobia of getting injections (shot/needles of any kind).

100. I can't drive a stick shift - never learned how.

101. I would like to learn to play the violin.

There you have it 101 things about me.


DeGooyer Family said...

How fun to read all about you! =) I hate needles, too - I still cry when I have to get poked! =)

Jerry & Pam said...

What an awesome idea. It brought back tons of memories of me growing up and spending time on my grandparents farm.

Michelle said...

I loved your list! I already knew some of them, but I learned some new things about you! My favorite one was about you writing "Ann Michelle" all the different ways you could think of in junior high. What ways did you come up with?!

Janus said...

That was so fun!!! I learned so much about you. I had no idea that you played the flute. How come I didn't know that before? Oh well, I do now.
