Thursday, January 21, 2010

December Unwrapped - part 3 - "Why I Love our Neighbors?!


At the rate I'm going I might get all of Dec 2009 posted by the time we hit Dec. 2010. On Dec. 24th we were on our third day of nasty weather ,in a row. We had had a mix of snow, rain, sleet, freezing drizzle, and ice rain. In no particular order. Just changing from one to another as the temperatures fluctuated between about 28 degrees and 34 degrees. The neighbors just across the street from us are older and have a difficult time shoveling. They have some one they pay who had come by earlier and cleared the slush. But as Christmas eve set in the temperatures began to drop and rain transitioned into ice. Several neighbors rallied to help scrape the ice off their driveway. My husband and two boys are there, another neighbor and her daughter are there and just before I found the camera still another neighbor and her granddaughter left after helping. This was a scene that played out over and over as we went through four days (all together) of really nasty weather (that included that seven inches of wet snow). We have been so fortunate to be blessed with great neighbors - ones who look after each other. Can I just say we love our neighbors! :)
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