Thursday, January 7, 2010

"The Artic" or "A Little Blustery" !?!?!!!





Not sure what to call this post. Since titles like "The weather outside is frightful" are already taken - and recently too. Now, I love snow and have always liked it. But 'Old Man Winter' has not been kind to us the last few weeks. Today marks the third blizzard in four weeks. (Thus the change to spring like colors on the blog) Once again we are snow bound. The weather truly is frightning - we are in our first week after Christmas break and it has shaped up like this: Monday: two hour late start, Tuesday normal (all though a little suprising since temps were only three degrees warmer than Monday and still well below zero), Wednesday: two hour early dismissal as snow begins to fall on already icy roads, today: no school at all. Most of the roads are closed in the state or if they are open travel is not advised; if you are stupid enough to travel if it isn't an emergency then no tow truck will come to get you if you slide off. Wednesday was the warmest of the last nine - we were a balmy 9 degrees above zero with a windchill of 2 degrees above zero. Today's temperature is falling and we are once again heading toward temperatures that are well below zero and windchills somewhere in the range of -30 to -40. Our HIGH for tomorrow is predicted to be a nice warm -7 (yes that's negative) without the windchill (sounds fun - doesn't it). I'm beginning to wonder if a move to Siberia might not be warranted - I'm thinking that it might be warmer there. (no offense to any of you who may have lived in Siberia) Not sure what kind of school schedule tomorrow will bring; but since we (as I said) are expecting another super chilled blast of artic air; I'm guessing that it will be at least a two hour delayed start. And on a final note in case you are wondering the pictures are not out of focus - that is what 40 to 50 mile and hour wind gusts will do to 6 or 7 inches of very dry powdery snow!!!! Notice the two shots that are the same, one when the wind is calmer and one with the wind doing its thing. The drift Del is shoveling is a small one only about 18 to 24 inches deep - notice the one of the house across the street - I don't know how well it shows in the picture but it is somewhere around four feet deep. Just taking pictures was an Artic experience. BRRRRRRRR!!!!!
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Michelle said...

This is what you bring to all of us by saying you enjoy winter and snow! :)

jayne said...

We've been out of school this entire week! Can we be neighbors in Siberia? I'm freeeezing!

Janus said...

Ann Michelle,
Grant and I FEEL your pain. This week the weather is actually 'balmy' around 12-15 degrees. I was actually sweating yesterday and had to peel the many layers I had on, off. Crazy, don't 'cha think?
