Monday, January 25, 2010






Is this seen getting old to You?!?? It is to me - and I usually like winter. Another day, more snow, more Wind and another BLIZZARD warning. And once again no school - AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! The official ending date was once May 27, then it was June 1st, then June 3rd, and now we are looking at June 8th. At this rate the kids might get a summer break????
This weather is enough to make even me - a confirmed snow lover want to scream, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! And we still have one week of January, all of February and who knows how much of March before the possibilty of Spring. Maybe I'll hibernate!?! At least the windchill is only 6 degrees instead of -25. "Oh!, We're having a heat wave. A tropical heat wave!"
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