Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things you thought you would never say!!

Over the last several months I have found my self saying things that I never imagined would be questions or directions that I would give. Some of the things I've found myself saying include:

1. Is your underwear on the right direction?

2. Are you even wearing underwear? (underwear - who needs underwear? I'm dressed!)

3. Go get some underwear on under those clothes!

4. Are you eating something off the floor? (keep in mind my children have been walking for quite awhile now)

5. Yes, you have to get dressed before you can go outside!

6. Did you shove all of those in your mouth at once?

7. No, you can't change your brothers drawing - even if you don't like it!

8. Be careful putting those glasses on the cat or he'll scratch you!! (Glasses on a cat - maybe he's near sighted?!)

9. Take the cat collar off your neck and put it back on the cat! (now all I need is a leash!)

As a parent you say some of the weirdest things. Of course then again usually you kids are doing some pretty weird things that illicet such comments.
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Michelle said...

Those are funny!

Michelle said...

And Mike wants to know which one was eating off of the floor?

Ann Michelle said...


Both of my children are guilty of the offence of eating off the floor - I guess the only concilation is that it only happens at home. :0

CaySedai said...

Maybe that's a comment on your housekeeping - if your kids think it's okay to eat off the floor it must be pretty clean.

That's what I would tell myself. ;-)

jayne said...

Hilarious! Some of those are things I've said myself, then found myself shaking my head when I realized just what I'd actually said!