Thursday, January 15, 2009

How Cold is COLD!!!!!

How Cold is COLD!!! Today marks the coldest air to cross the state were we live in, in twelve years. We started monday with a snow day as snow began to fall and then the wind began to blow - blizzard!!! Then Tuesday was a late start with kids going to school two hours later than normal. Then came Wednesday - more snow and wind - no school once again. Now we arrive to today - no school for the third day this week - although this time it isn't because of snow - we have a foot of snow, as you can see and drifts & snowbanks much deeper than that- today it is the cold - and I mean cold. This morning our little town had a temperature (at 8:30 a.m.) of -24 degrees Farenheit and a windchill of -40 degrees Farenheit. No that is not a misprint , you read both those temperatures right - there is a negative sign in front of both of them. Now it is twelve thirty our tempeture has risen to a balmy -15 degrees Farenheit with a windchill of -34 degrees Farenheit. Yes we are still in the negative numbers - we will not get above zero today and we probably won't even make it out of the double digit negative numbers. So, How Cold is COLD!!! I'm not sure but I'd say we are pretty darn close!!! :)
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DeGooyer Family said...

We have been really cold here, too. It's a daily reminder of why I'm not staying in the Midwest! =)

jayne said...

I'm freezing down here too---but not as bad as you guys! No school? Ugh. I hope that doesn't happen here. Brrrr....

Ann Michelle said...

I think are high for the day made it all the way to -10 degrees Farenheit with a windchill of around -25 degrees Farenheit at about 2 or 3 p.m. We are actually especting a heat wave tomorrow of about 10 degrees above zero. It will sad to say feel very warm compared to today.