Sunday, February 20, 2011


On any given day our house is a quiet one pet household.  (Or, as quiet as any household can be when you are raising two very active boys.)  However, sometimes in the Summertime we have a temporary influx of pets. This last summers guests made quite the menagerie. To the delight of my budding herpetologist (aka - J.D.).  The list of guests are not for the squimish or faint of heart (Grandpa L.). They included the following: Two Toads,
A dozen or more Northern Leopard Frogs,
Half a dozen Green Tree Frogs,

Three Salamandars,
And one nice size Garder Snake.

All the guests stayed for several days, some at the same time, others at various times throughout the summer. Then they were all released in time to hibernate. We are now back to our normal, quiet, one pet, household. Until next summer - of course!!! ;-)

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