Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas Eve!!

Christmas Eve is the height of all the excitement - at our house!  We start with the nativity story (notice all the little people at K.J.'s feet - for use in acting out said story:).  ).  Then we move on to opening presents - let the craziness begin!!!!!
Christmas P.J.'s for both the boys !!! :)
Then one gift each to keep them entertained  until morning! This year it was a Lego board game.
To finish the evening off they got to play games with Dad - How great is that!!!
After that it was off to dream land - to await the arrival of Santa!!!!! Hope he brings something good?!

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

Hi there! Hope you guys are surviving all of the snow that we heard you got. How are things going with adoption - any good news?