Friday, September 4, 2009

Honk! Honk ! Honk!

This morning I heard the first signs that fall might be on its way. After a week of realitive cool air. The geese seem to be migrating south. The air was field with their noisy honks. The first of many such occurances for the next few weeks I am sure. All though noisy I love the sound of the geese as they go south. It is a sound that has come to be some what homey since moving to the midwest. Although it means that the weather is getting colder. Soon the white stuff will arrive. A few friends and I have been debating the last week or so wether we will have an early winter or not. Don't know if the geese are sending that message or not - but it seems so. I wonder if I should go south with them? Although I do love the snow - hate the cold. This creates a dilema - since you can't usually have the snow without the cold - although you can have the cold with out the snow :( . Too migrate or not to migrate - that is the Question?!?!

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