During our very long winter I had to keep busy! So here is some of the results:
This blanket was one I made for K.J. for Christmas.
And this is J.D.'s quilt.
Then there were these - our stake was doing a humanitarian project- these quilts were made to be sent to the humanitarian center in Salt Lake City and then to where ever there is a need. This was a great way to spend all those long cold days.:)
And finally, there was this one - this is the only other quilt ( besides the my children's christmas ones) that I kept - it is also the only one that is hand bound (finished around the edge) all the others are done on the sewing machine ( a feat in and of itself for me!:):) ) -including the identical looking one pictuered above. What will I do with it you ask - well hopefully we will adopt again soon and then I'll get to use it! :) (and if it is a boy- I'll just have to make another one with less pink!!!lol.)